Ryza 2 opening movie appears to show you all of the party members, which I guess is technically less of a spoiler than Ryza 1's opening, which literally showed you the room where you fight the final boss
This is a record of a twitter thread, originally posted in 2021
Ryza 2 opening movie appears to show you all of the party members, which I guess is technically less of a spoiler than Ryza 1's opening, which literally showed you the room where you fight the final boss
*guy from Koei Tecmo on the E3 stage in front of thousands of screaming fans* SEE THAT FENCE?? YOU CAN JUMP OVER IT
(joke explanation: Atelier Ryza had a jump button but you couldn't jump over ANYTHING. It was like they took the navmesh and just extruded walls straight up from the edges lol
it was like playing final fantasy VII but with a button that played a jump animation)
The first game was like this too; alchemy isn't some kind of well-kept secret or anything; people are just like "Oh, you can transgress all laws of reality using a large pot? How remarkable!"
it rules
I've been really wondering where the designers are planning to go here because it gives you access to most of the endgame mechanics from the first game SUPER early
which means they've clearly got, like, whole new dimensions of tricks for the later parts of this game right
It's a very weird experience because like, I spent the entire first game just slowly developing an understanding of how to do cool stuff with the alchemy systems
This game didn't change the systems much, and also doesn't gate much, so I've just been insanely OP from the start
I dunno if there's gonna be a difficulty spike now that I've started getting access to new systems, or if it'll be like the first game where Ryza is just an infinitely destructive Goddess of Bombs and the only actual challenge is like three optional superbosses lol
kinda wondering if I should raise the difficulty setting to Hard lol
I mean I don't play JRGPs for the Challenge or anything, but at this point Ryza can one-shot virtually every enemy I encounter, and all her gear's super old
like I could easily double her DPS if I wanted lol
the combat system's super cool and has all these rad mechanics around switching characters mid-attack and stuff, and I never see any of it because ryza just tosses a bomb and kills everything lmao
remember two tweets ago when I said I could probably double ryza's DPS well I just made her a bomb that does 20x the damage of her previous bomb
there's a lot I could do to improve the first number but still: lmao
pandemic update: each day I get up and write computer programs until the sun sets and then I close that laptop and open a different laptop and then I place rocks into circles for six hours and then I go to bed
my entire party just hit level 100
I haven't fought the final boss yet
I haven't been grinding or anything this game's XP curve is just busted lol