the Twarchive

This is a record of a twitter thread, originally posted in 2020


what if final fantasy 7 but too much


I'm not even really A Final Fantasy VII Fan and I gotta admit being able to actually look up and see the midgar plate gives me some feels


FF7R's simultaneous compression and expansion of the original pacing is really screwing with my head

Sephiroth shows up in like the first hour, and then you get to Tifa's bar and she's like YOU CAN DO 30 SIDEQUESTS TO BUILD REP

now it's playing the overworld theme in Sector 7??


the whole "over the shoulder 45-degree-fov camera while cloud awkwardly rubs up against the NPC he's trying to talk to because he has the turning radius of a Suburban and the NPC can't talk while they're playing their being-bumped-into animation" thing feels oddly 2012 AAA Game


cloud being nice to people is adorable


masashi hamauzu really firing on all cylinders wow


I guess Aerith was always kinda the manic pixie dream girl type but voice acting really takes it to another level haha




...cute tho


losing my mind watching FF7R setting up ominous plot mysteries that can't pay off until they release the third disc in like 2031


could yall have just... not done the don corneo section


so yeah wow if you hated the don corneo stuff in the original game it's literally *four hours long* now

just utterly excruciating


this game has more ladders than combat encounters


I love that aerith and tifa are just immediately best friends within like five minutes of meeting each other


hello I'd just like to clarify that this tweet is not a joke

this is a literal factual description of Final Fantasy VII Remake


All of the Midgar plot makes VASTLY more sense with FF7R making it clear that Avalanche is an actual organization and not, like, just Barret's vegan meetup group consisting of four dorks in a basement


honestly love how FFVII's writing fluctuates between "fascist corporate executives massacring the poor and brainwashing child soldiers" and "hardened thugs scared straight after Tifa threatens to kick them"


tifa would be a lot more fun to use if any of her attacks actually hit anything


soooooo I finished FF7R

I have a lot of thoughts and I can't talk about any of them because Spoilers :/


Non-spoiler thoughts: I don't think I enjoyed playing it very much but I'm definitely on board for whatever square's planning for the future of this bizarre project


It's extremely pretty and the character writing + VA performances are really fun

music's fantastic

pacing's awful (which I kinda expected though), and it doesn't really have "level design" so much as "a vast chain of Ladders and narrow gaps through which cloud must Sidle"


also combat system

maaaan I dunno; I've seen some folks on here really loving it but it EXTREMELY didn't click with me

I think my main problem is easy fights aren't interesting and hard fights are absolutely brutally punishing and there's basically nothing in between?


like I don't think there was a single fight where I was like "this is a fun challenge"; every enemy either dies in two hits or turns into a 20-minute nightmare puzzle of constantly-shifting hard counters

can see how some folks'd enjoy it but I mostly found it DEEPLY frustrating