the Twarchive

This is a record of a twitter thread, originally posted in 2022


started playing this super obscure new indie game Hades (2020)

wow Hades (2020) is really good can't believe no one's talking about this


thanatos: god of death: gay tsundere


hermes my dude you gotta come up with some more useful boons


imagining a greek lord in 900BC consulting the reddit oracle for which gods to honor in the current meta

"okay so artemis won't work well with your build, demeter's rad IF she gives you the laser cannon but it's a dice roll, maybe a libation and six goats for poseidon knockback"


sitting in a temple breathing poison volcano gas, having the worst-ever trip in human history (so far), announcing a new tier list of gods


Demeter, Goddess of Additional Pylons


pictured: my foolproof strategy for defeating Hades, Lord of the Underworld


I'm enjoying hades but I dunno if I have enough patience for the sheer number of loops it expects you to complete to advance the plot


also the last roguelike I put serious time into was Nuclear Throne; I dunno what the current genre expectations are but 30-40 minutes per run starts to feel pretty brutal after a while


I liked NT the same way I like shmups and rhythm games: You're *instantly* in Total Mental Focus mode and if you screw up once you're done

if you get a shit build in hades you can still limp it along for like 30 minutes until theseus but you'll be miserable the whole time lol