the Twarchive

This is a record of a twitter thread, originally posted in 2021


I started watching Macross Zero and some science people are talking about "A.S.S. 1" like some kind of acronym for something

so we get this rad sci-fi computer diagram with a tiny label that says TECHNOLOGY OF ASS


oh NO zero is set a few years before the original 80s macross so they've brought back this Largo Pennyarcade asshole aaaaaa

easily the worst character in 30+ years of macrosses why would you do this


hold on I literally just completely confused largo from megatokyo with tycho from penny arcade

I am absolutely leaving that tweet up because come to think of it they both have the same awful haircut and they probably both copied it from the same awful macross dude lmao



macross does, indeed, love to see it