the Twarchive

This is a record of a twitter thread, originally posted in 2020


picked up The Pathless, after seeing cool gifs of its movement system like a year ago and then completely missing the fact that it's been out for a month and a half lol


Movement's extremely fun, but so far everything else about the game is extremely Every Videogame Ever


like not really in a *bad* way; most open-world mechanics are well established because they're fun and work well.... but also........ I hope you like shooting arrows at torches and solving pressure-switch puzzles to obtain XP gems to upgrade your abilities lol


legitimately some of the most skulls-next-to-toilets-ass storytelling since like... I dunno, Prey probably lol


All of us who make games have that little part of our brains that has always wanted to be paid to make skeleton dioramas and I'm really happy for the person who got to fulfil that lifelong goal here


I'm enjoying this but it's definitely trying wayyy too hard to be A Videogame, largely to its detriment

like it could have just been a game about a cool-ass movement system; it's *really* not improved by solving 200 nearly identical pressure-switch puzzles for XP gems


like it... makes sense if you plot an arc from Journey to Abzu to this, like they'd want to make something more game-mechanics-y and nonlinear, but like... putting towers and Eagle Vision and boss battles and zelda puzzles into Journey does not result in improvement

