the Twarchive

This is a record of a twitter thread, originally posted in 2022


Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Xenoblade Catgirls 2


pretty sure this is prerendered but xenoblade 3 uses a ridiculously cool bokeh kernel

mainly hexagonal but it's got these cool spikes and hot spots that show up at lower intensities


I can't really make A Xenoblade 3 Thread out of respect for spoilers but maybe I can still yell about computer graphics


damn this game got some X Box Three Sixty Ass FOV


lmao so the biggest problem with xenoblade 2 was that the tutorials made no sense and didn't explain shit

xenoblade 3 has apparently overcorrected into Skyward Sword territory

I have now received two *separate* tutorials, with the same text, about how to equip items


they both had like voiced dialogue and everything in order to diagetically introduce the concept of Equipping Items


holy shit it's 2009's most Triple-A mechanic, Hold Button To Look At Thing!

maybe this really IS a 360 game


come on man the plural of volff is volvves


Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Logan's Run 2


yooooooo the xenoblade 3 catgirl is the same voice actress as ranni from elden ring


I was thinking 2022 is a big year for cool welsh accents in videogames but it turns out it's mainly just a big year for one specific cool welsh woman


Lunar Catgirl Ranni


I replayed xenoblades 1/2 recently

in those games, L3 opens the map

in this one, it toggles auto-run

I attempted to open the map and instead ran directly off a cliff and died


FWIW xenoblade 3 is pretty cool so far

very different tone compared to the previous games, but also constantly referencing them in a way that's less "fanservice" and more "intentionally disorienting"

kind of the majora's mask of xenogames


elden ring mod where every time you talk to ranni she says this


there are like a thousand different regional british accents and I don't know which ones are which so all I can tell is Eunie sounds like Jasper and Horace


I *think* it's a london accent but there are also like twelve different london accents so


damn these are some of the most expensive cutscenes I've seen in ages they're like gunning for final fantasy budgets here


ten years is a normal lifespan for a cat i dont see the big deal


having sick-ass music play when you enter the pause menu is a reference to Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht (2002)


i love jrpgs they'll be like "we need to sneak into this military complex without being spotted" and it's 8 people wearing armor covered in rainbow leds


also "sneaking" animations are too expensive for one scene so infiltration is everyone doing a Brisk Default Jog down a hallway


they've made like 8+ xenogames and the actual word "xeno" has never had the slightest connection to the stories but that still hasn't stopped them from constantly designing dudes with gigantic glowing X's all over them


dude they redid the lipsync animations for english


xenoblade 3 is probably the most Xenogearsy one they've made since 1998 so I feel like there's a nonzero chance they'll crucify a nopon


this game might genuinely set the record for Longest Cutscene Ever holy shit

I don't know when it started exactly but it has been Literal Hours

I just had to pause it to go to the bathroom


that tweet was 30 minutes ago and although it was briefly broken by a cinematic boss fight The Cutscene is STILL GOING


lest you think I meant that as a criticism: this game is batshit lmao this rules


welsh catgirl: *shooting a crab with a gun*
generic shounen guy: THIS IS OUR PATH TO THE FUTURE


I have 1.5 million gold and the only thing that shops sell in this game are grey tier Rings of Enhance Nothing Particularly Useful that cost like 900g




yeah uh thats my xenoblade 3 review


you should play xenoblade chronicles 3

well except you should definitely play xenoblade chronicles 2 first

for full effect you should play xenoblade chronicles 2, and then wait 5 years, and then play xenoblade chronicles 3


game has an absolutely ABSURD amount of side quests, and they're all, like, GOOD??

they all meaningfully add to the tone/setting, and they're all deeply interconnected with like basically every NPC having distinct personalities and relationships


there's no, like, game design tricks you could learn from it, it's just an absolute shitton of well-executed writing. Rare case of having a team with the skill to do it and enough time+budget to actually pull it off


I kinda ruined the pacing of the main plot by spending like 40 hours doing sidequests before the end lol


also I am fully losing my mind at some of the stuff that happened in the main plot but I can't talk to anyone about it because 𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓻𝓼 so I guess I'm gonna sit here and just sort of vibrate for a few days aaaaa


it rules when videogames are good