the Twarchive

This is a record of a twitter thread, originally posted in 2019


Messing with bullet-parrying concept in Aerobat, forgot about object pooling so you can just parry the same bullets over and over forever

definitely balanced


there was a period of like two months in the very earliest period of the game's development where I thought I wanted it to run on, like, circa-2014 android phones

most of the really old systems are thus aggressively pooled to avoid GC ever happening and I hate them for it lmao


turns out that long-term, the cognitive load of constantly having to remember which objects are pooled, and to check whether non-null references are "alive" or not, is not remotely worth saving yourself a few bytes of occasional GC activity lol


like, maybe use a language that supports manual memory management if you want to manage memory manually


alternative moral:

never make a videogame for an incompetent telephone that does garbage collection on the main thread

like how was that even allowed