the Twarchive

This is a record of a twitter thread, originally posted in 2016


After 3 years, Aerobat can now be paused!
Holofoil foils cheating; can't plan movement in pause


As an added bonus it makes sure almost every single pixel changes every frame so gif file sizes exceed all human comprehension


Pausing is actually pretty complicated; have to save mouse position/state and force player to return to those values before unpausing


Since the ship tracks cursor extremely quickly and releasing/clicking starts/ends jumps, if mouse changes while paused you probably crash


Also I now have six different time variables: elapsed/delta for real time, real time but affected by pause, and bullet-time-scaled pausable


This could maybe have been simplified if I'd actually planned for pause from the beginning instead of hacking it in years later, but lol


(originally ruled out pause since it's a pain and game runs are so short anyway, but it's just too easy to die from losing window focus)


Oh also for extra exploit-safety you have to wait a couple seconds after unpausing before pausing again. Possibly overkill; we'll see


Add pause handling to the already-nontrivial list of design details Aerobat owes to osu