the Twarchive

This is a record of a twitter thread, originally posted in 2019


Gray-Scott is coooooooooool


FWIW I can take basically zero credit for this; it's just a direct implementation of this page:

attached image
Reaction-Diffusion Tutorial


Seeding the center of the field is really cool bc usually everything stays symmetrical until the slightest imperfection manifests and then the whole thing goes wild


I'm no Stephen Wolfram or whatever but if I'm gonna guess this is probably due to the Laplacian term? The slightest wobble introduced by floating-point weirdness would get picked up and magnified exponentially due to taking the 2nd derivative on every iteration


this is a slow burn but man it's real satisfying watching these lil dudes go about their day


tried advecting the chemicals between sim steps

there's a bit of user input here to keep things evolving; it reaches a really boring steady state otherwise