the Twarchive

This is a record of a twitter thread, originally posted in 2018


Weekend experiment: foggy landscapes by rendering out slices of noise to a bunch of textures and then just stacking them all up


Mirror slices along x axis: instant lakes


also before anyone asks, yes, this can be trivially modified to generate The Album Cover


gradients: promising


Idea: use ddx on slice height to get 1D slope value, use that as lookup into a gradient to approximate shading

Result is... weird? Kills most of the softness that made it look nice before. Prob worth experimenting further


Dropping noise detail: Shading gets much nicer, but all the mountain shapes are boring now and it looks very... computery

Alternatively: 8 octaves with 200 slices achieves FULL BRYCE 3D


Tried warping the slope gradients and headed towards some kind of 2D texturing aesthetic and okay this is DEFINITELY going places
